Monday, January 26, 2009

Catching Up

Several months have gone by and it feels like a year. I won't bother going into details but here are some highlights:

  • Ben took a job in Iraq with the International Medical Corps in Baghdad. It is a year contract and he gets a week off every two months so see us which is more than before! He is running a center for returning refugees and I am so proud of him. We miss him but love him so much for doing this. I am even happier about it since in the fortune 500 alone there have been 330,000 layoffs since November!
  • Henry got his molars, speaks a lot in Spanish & English and also had a trip to the hospital for an IV due to dehydration. That last bit sucked. The health care here is good but you have to bring your own blankets, sheets & pillows and share a room with 3 other screaming babies with IV's. (Although we got lucky enough to have our own bed in the "diarrhea" room.) Oh - and Henry is now is school every day for 6 hours. It is awesome.
  • Claire has a new best friend (aside from her cousin Cal Bear/Matthew) named Maria Jose. She (Claire) grew an inch and doesn't stop talking. I told her I was going to go jump in the shower and she freaked, "MAMMA! Please, don't jump - that is dangerous. You have to go slowly."

    I think blogging is like exercising - you have to do it regularly or you won't do it at all. And no, I never exercise.

    Claire and cousin Ethan in San Mateo

    Auntie Katie & Henry in San Mateo

    Last sunset of the year.

    Patio dried coffee at a local micro-beneficio La Cabana

    Henry at our family Christmas party
  • 1 comment:

    Unknown said...

    These pictures are incredible. It conveys a sense of what we hoped would have happened between the children, what we hope for all of us. And a sense of what you see everyday, what is part of your life in Costa Rica. We miss you all more than you can know. We love you. Penny