Friday, August 29, 2008

I have Fox News!!!!!!

Well, I just discovered that they cable company kindly added Fox News to my fine selection of channels. I have to say that I am thrilled. I never, ever thought I would say that about Fox but I now have a news channel in ENGLISH that I can really follow! CNN en Espanol is nice but it is too hard to follow, especially with kids running around.

So, while I missed Barack & Michelle's speeches, I can now follow what is happening in the world!!! Of course, it is through Fox's juvenille view but it is something, and something is better than nothing! (I am sure there are many of you that disagree and would encourage me not to even bother. . . )

Monday, August 25, 2008


Some videos for daddy who misses the kids far more than words could even explain.

These aren't great but they are better than nothing!

At the fire station! (baby talk is for Henry, not Claire - who is so big that she went down the FREAKY HIGH fire pole by herself!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fistfights & Boyfriends

It was a monumental day yesterday. Claire had her neighbor friend Isaac over for a playdate. He is a sweet, 6 year old boy who lived in the states for the last three years and speaks perfect English.

Here is how it went.

I was sitting outside working on my computer.

Isaac: "Darcie, what would happen if Claire was my girlfriend?"
Me: "Well, she is a girl and she is your friend so I guess she is your girlfriend."
Isaac: (with a confused look on his face) "huh"
Me: "Would you like her to be your girlfriend?"
Isaac: (wide eyed, enthusiastic nodding) "Yeah!"
Me: "Okay then!"

He immediately ran back to Claire and I peeked in through the window to watch this 'courtship' unfold.

Isaac: "Claire! Guess what! Your mom said that you could be my girlfriend!"
Claire: (looking at me giving her a thumb's up through the window) "Okay."

So, I guess the deal is sealed. Maybe I shouldn't have been so encouraging?

Then, about an hour later. . .

Isaac: "Daaaarrrrrciiiieee, Henry hit me!"
I went inside to see Henry sitting, staring silently at the floor.
Me: "Henry, hitting is not nice. Isaac is sad because you hit him."
Henry: (looking up at me with the most pathetic, hurt face) "Waaaaaaaaaaah"
Me: "Isaac, did you hit Henry back?"
Isaac: "Well, yeah, it is because he hit me."

It is good that they are starting young.